
Kiddi Caru Walnut Tree: Eco-Schools

21 Feb 2022

Kiddi Caru Walnut Tree: Eco-Schools

Recently the preschool children at Kiddi Caru Walnut Tree in Milton Keynes, spent some time listening to a story all about “the little life of a plastic bottle”.

As a nursery they have been working hard at gaining their Eco-school accreditation and the preschool children have been learning all about reusing and recycling and what they can do instead of throwing certain items away.

The children listened to the story about how you could use a plastic bottle and a cardboard box instead of throwing it in the bin.

The little ones then came up with their own ideas of how they could reuse boxes and bottle and some great ideas came about, some simply just reusing them as boxes and bottles again instead of getting new ones, also using the box as a house for a pet, making it into a rocket ship. They also spoke about where they can go to be recycled.

Both the children and nursery staff are looking forward to learning lots more about ways they can help our environment as they continue on our Eco-school journey!

What is Eco Schools?

Eco schools operates in 70 countries and engages 19.5 million young people globally. This makes Eco-Schools the largest educational programme on the planet!

They provide an engaging programme that encourages children to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their nursery, local community and beyond.

After completing the Eco Schools Early Years seven step process, we can apply for Green Flag accreditation, which recognises, rewards and celebrates the environmental achievements of young people.

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